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Pair 7 NS - Lesley Beasley / Kay Conn
Place: 11, Percentage: 35.69%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: Raymond Moore / Frances Moore4H SAD10420525%  
Board 22: Raymond Moore / Frances Moore3C EKD9-1101260%  
Board 32: Raymond Moore / Frances Moore1NT S7H9150945%  
Board 41: Judy Hildebrand / Greg Dobson3NT S4H9600945%  
Board 51: Judy Hildebrand / Greg Dobson3NT N6H126901995%  
Board 61: Judy Hildebrand / Greg Dobson3NT E8H10-6304.522%  
Board 712: Jeff Fanton / Bill Hart4D EJS9100525%  
Board 812: Jeff Fanton / Bill Hart2S WTH8-110525%  
Board 912: Jeff Fanton / Bill Hart2S SKC101704.522%  
Board 1011: Eileen Skerl / Betty Bevan2H WAS8-1101995%  
Board 1111: Eileen Skerl / Betty Bevan2S EKH610000%  
Board 1211: Eileen Skerl / Betty Bevan3NT S4H96001680%  
Board 1310: Lynda Laffan / Upasana Shanti5D NQH13640630%  
Board 1410: Lynda Laffan / Upasana Shanti4S SAH114501890%  
Board 1510: Lynda Laffan / Upasana Shanti3S WTH9-140210%  
Board 169: Jill Markwell / Lin Lloyd4H SQD124801575%  
Board 179: Jill Markwell / Lin Lloyd2H S2D8110210%  
Board 189: Jill Markwell / Lin Lloyd6H S7D11-10000%  
Board 198: Vicki Matchett / Bill Matchett4S S3C10420210%  
Board 208: Vicki Matchett / Bill Matchett3S S5H7-200315%  
Board 218: Vicki Matchett / Bill Matchett5C N8S136401155%  
Board 227: Bob Davies / Bob Hannam3S NKD1017015%  
Board 237: Bob Davies / Bob Hannam4H W5D11-650630%  
Board 247: Bob Davies / Bob Hannam5D SAH8-15015%  
Board 256: John Archer / Keith Elphick5D ETH101001575%  
Board 266: John Archer / Keith Elphick3S NKD112001050%  
Board 276: John Archer / Keith Elphick2NT S4C7-50210%  
Board 285: Anne Gulley / Kate Balmanno1NT W5S8-120630%  
Board 295: Anne Gulley / Kate Balmanno2S N8D10170420%  
Board 305: Anne Gulley / Kate Balmanno3H SQD12230630%  
Board 314: Beverley O'Hara / Peter Keys4S S8C8-20000%  
Board 324: Beverley O'Hara / Peter Keys4S WAD11-650945%  
Board 334: Beverley O'Hara / Peter Keys4D S7H12170525%  
Board 343: Maz Clay / Pat Hemetsberger5C STD10-100420%  
Board 353: Maz Clay / Pat Hemetsberger3H WKS81001260%  
Board 363: Maz Clay / Pat Hemetsberger3C W4D9-110945%  

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