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TEAMS OF 3 (May 2024)
Results after 7 of 6 matchesMatch VPs (click to show Imps)Totals
Place Team M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 HASTED (13)17.3117.3111.7615.3814.605.00 47 81.365-0-10.26
2 PITTS (6)13.747.7115.3816.738.2418.33 47 80.134-0-20.21
3 O'BRIEN (1)18.557.7111.7615.0011.7615.00 44 79.785-0-10.26
4 HOFFMAN (2)11.207.7119.6915.745.4014.60 38 74.344-0-20.21
5 WALSH (17)19.1612.298.244.2615.008.80 22 67.753-0-30.16
6 BAINBRIDGE (12)8.8016.098.2415.008.2411.20 17 67.573-0-30.16
7 HUGHES (4)9.393.9114.605.8217.3115.74 16 66.773-1-20.18
8 HENDRIX (15)7.2012.804.6214.1812.8014.60 11 66.204-0-20.21
9 BALMANNO (5)12.8012.2911.765.0017.035.40 9 64.284-0-20.21
10 O'HARA (11)1.4513.7415.0020.0011.761.67 10 63.624-0-20.21
11 THORP (16)6.2615.000.3114.1815.745.40 -14 56.893-0-30.16
12 KEYS (9)12.2918.338.244.625.004.26 -11 52.742-0-40.10
13 HARNACK (8)11.761.675.4017.037.209.39 -17 52.452-1-30.13
14 SKIPPINGTON (14)10.6112.2911.203.272.9710.61 -23 50.952-2-20.16
15 HANNAM (7)0.846.268.802.9712.8018.55 -23 50.222-0-40.10
16 ZANKI (20)6.267.2015.000.007.2013.28 -34 48.942-0-40.10
17 DAVIES (10)13.742.695.005.827.7113.74 -25 48.702-0-40.10
18 MAZENGARB (18)8.2413.748.805.004.266.26 -27 46.301-0-50.05
19 DUNLOP (3)2.695.0011.2014.182.696.72 -40 42.482-0-40.10
20 BRENNAN (19)7.716.265.005.8212.291.45 -47 38.531-0-50.05
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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